Foodmax Chain LT inniheldur blöndu syntetískra vetniskolefna, kemur í veg fyrir oxun og myndar langvarandi smurfilmu á breiðu hitasviði. Foodmax Chain LT er hannað til að smyrja færibandakeðjur og legur sem ganga viðstöðulaust við lágan hita, við allt að -50 °C
Foodmax Chain LT hentar einnig fyrir spíralfrysta.
Application For drive and conveyor chains: apply sparingly by brush or oil can as required. Can also be applied automatically using a central drip feed system.
• Penetrates to the links and pins reducing wear and extending chain life
• Does not form hard carbon deposits
• Miscible with esters, mineral oils and other synthetic hydrocarbons
• Avoids high speed splashing and therefore staining of fabrics
• Excellent anti-wear properties
• Low volatility that reduce the evaporation residues